Create Invoice
The invoice can be created only if the state of order is set to confirmed. This happens when the order was successfully created in Mondu system and the buyer authorized the financing attempt through an interaction with Mondu Widget.

The Create Invoice Request should be triggered when the state of order in your System is set to "shipped". It can happen either in the Shop System or in ERP.


Invoice Documents

While the API has a mandatory invoice_url field, you can also upload invoice PDFs directly with the create invoice call. In this case, you can fill the invoice_url field with any FQDN.

In case you make the invoices available via URL, make sure to apply good practices for capability URLs.

Create Credit Note
In case the buyer returned the products, trigger Create Credit Note Request.

Cancel Invoice
In case of invoice cancellation, trigger Cancel Invoice Request.

Important Invoice States

createdInvoice created
lateWasn't paid on time by the buyer
CanceledCanceled by the merchant
CompletePaid by the buyer