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The Mondu API uses standard HTTP response codes. Codes in the 2xx range indicate success, 4xx indicates failure in the provided information (like misused or missing parameters, including access restrictions) and 5xx implies that we encountered an error in our servers.

API error messages are returned in JSON format and machine-parsable HTTP status in the header. While the text for the message and error may change, the status Code and its indication will stay the same.

For example, when calling /orders with missing and not allowed parameters, the following will be the response body:

  "status": 422,
  "errors": [
      "name": "currency",
      "details": "must be filled"
      "name": "",
      "details": "is missing"
      "name": "lines.0.lineItems.1.externalReferenceId",
      "details": "is missing"
      "name": "lines.0.lineItems.1.quantity",
      "details": "must be an integer"